DAY 9: Easy Way to Make Money with Amazon Print On Demand

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In this post you’re going to learn how one device — a kindle — can make you a full time living!  

I just recently got a Kindle this year. That being said, I used to always be against Kindles and reading via a device because I loved the feeling of books.  I like to write and highlight on the pages while I read, but the Kindle changed the game for me.  As I began to read more, it became increasingly apparent that Kindles made it much faster to access material.

Because I always have my marketing lenses on, my mind started to wonder if I too could get in on this digital medium of both learning and teaching.  Now, to be transparent, this is the only side hustle that I will be sharing with you in this course that I have not personally done.  By the end of 2021, I hope to peruse this hustle and create not just one, but 12 ebooks with Amazon Print On Demand.  Be sure to stay tuned to see what I create!  

Here’s the idea: with Amazon Print On Demand, you can make niche specific ebooks about a subject that you already know and love.  All you need is a little time and motivation to actually create the book and have it proofread.  From here, you can upload the final text to Amazon for users to purchase.

Benefits of Print On Demand

  1. No cost to you! You have to put in the work and maybe do a little research but that’s it! No buying inventory or worrying about keeping your supply in stock.
  2. Featured on Amazon’s search engines.  Your book will be searchable on both the general Amazon and kindle marketplaces.  That’s one step closer to ranking on the first page!

I’m going to let you in on a little secret. I once listened to a podcast where this dude was making 5 figures a month from writing and selling ebooks.  I assumed that this guy had to be a super famous author and that’s why he was making all this money.  Turns out he was an average Joe (no offense if you’re the author reading this)!  I believe the 5 figures came from over 30 different niche-specific ebooks.  These pieces are not novels.  Instead, they are short how-to guides that appeal to a focused audience.  Imagine if you had 100 niche books that each brought in $300 to $500 a month! That would be amazing!  

This story is proof that literally anybody can do this side hustle.  The opportunities that come with Print On Demand are immense.  Maybe being on camera and in the public eye just isn’t for you but writing is.  Writing is something you could do!  Telling stories could become your mode of income.  

Let’s go into Amazon and look at a few examples of “niche books”.  What are they? What exactly are these people doing? And how are they making money doing it?

“Marketing Book”

Starting at the top and ciphering down, I typed in “marketing book”.  This is a pretty broad category; all sorts of books popped up.  Most of the authors were big dogs like Seth Godin.  While I hope to someday be as great as him, I simply can’t compete with best selling authors quite yet.  

“YouTube SEO Book”

As we saw above, the more niche the better.  This time I keyed in “YouTube SEO Book”.  The results weren’t as niche specific as they could be, but it was a solid step in the right direction.  

“How to Start YouTube for Musicians”

Let’s try one more time.  Lastly, I typed in “How to Start YouTube for Musicians”.  This is very niche specific.  Now, there wasn’t a book in the niche yet but that’s shouldn't be a red flag! Instead, this is an opportunity to see if this idea has wings and to be the first one out there to sell a book related to music and YouTube marketing.  

If you end up settling on a topic that already has a lot of books written over it, don’t fret! Chances are that people are going to read more than just one book on something their really interested in.  

“Children’s Book Entrepreneur”

I was hanging out at a friends house the other day who just created a children’s book via Print On Demand.  What if you could do the same?  I searched for “Children’s Book Entrprenuer” and the perfect example came up.  It included three niches: children’s books, entrepreneurship, and the Black audience.  

The great thing about children’s books is that the writing does not need to be intense.  You will need to team up with a graphic designer, however (unless you can do the graphics yourself), and have it proofread like any other book.  Maybe you go 50/50 on the idea; you create the story and they create the graphics.  Partnering is pretty brilliant.  

Are authors really selling books for FREE?

When you see a book being sold for $0 a day, it’s more than likely not really free.  All the author is doing is dedicating a whole ebook to a giant pitch of theirs.  The catch is that you end the book with no new knowledge and get suckered into buying a crazy expensive course.  I really don’t like it when people do this; a reader should always get value.

My One Caution...  

If I had to warn you of one thing, it would be to not go too niche specific where nobody will be searching for your book.  You’ve learned earlier in the course about how to research trends and ideas so be sure to use those resources and skills.

The sky is your limit.  People are consuming ebooks like crazy! All it takes is a little creativity, research, and motivation.  Start with something you’re familiar with — maybe an experience or story.  

There are always going to be better writers than you, but you can’t let that get in your way.  At the end of the day, you are more relatable than any of those big-time authors.  The reader would rather listen to you and they will take your advice more seriously.  

What do you think about this print on demand book idea?  Is this something you're going to try?  Let me know below or comment on my Instagram!  I'd love to check out your final product.  

Thank you for staying with me thus far!  

Peace and God bless. 

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